Monday was an important day with the first air test on the shell of the house. The previous few days had been spent making sure all the joints inside and out were suitably taped
So on Monday, a blower was installed where the front door will go. The idea being that the blower blows air from inside to outside and this sucks the air from outside to inside if there are any gaps.And how do you tell if there are any gaps? Answer – by using incense sticks. We smelled very fragrant afterwards.There are some more photos on George’s twitter feed at
The results: 0.2 ach (air changes per hour) which every-one was very happy with. Apparently the Passivhaus standard requires less than 0.6, but our house will require less than 0.3 because of the number of windows. And that was including the cat flap.
And finally, Henry and Dan decided to play a joke on Mike by telling him that there was a big leak in the most awkward section of the ceiling where the pod meets the house.